Henry, Anne, and Danny Trevellyan, St. Johns, Newfoundland.
‘Finally, I broke down and grieved with the rest of the mothers. We cried together and hugged one another, taking our grief out on our knitting needles. Out companionship helped to dilute the sorrow and tears, but the feelings from the loss of my only child truly cut deeper than I would have believed. Black waves of sorrow arrived at unexpected times, bringing with them gushing tears and uncontrollable fits of sobbing.
‘He was gone. My boy was gone--never to be hugged or delighted in again. There was a gaping black maw that was sucking me down, which I had to confront or be totally swallowed by it. I believe the supporting WPA motherhood helped me come to terms with my loss, and of course, the other mothers' losses, too. It had been an emotionally exhausting time for everyone.